
Learning objectives: The course of study for the attainment of the first level Academic Diploma in Decoration aims to ensure an adequate mastery of artistic methods and techniques, as well as the acquisition of specific disciplinary and professional skills in order to provide learners with knowledge and design and expressive methodologies in the use of artistic tools and practices, with regard to traditional tools and new technologies. The courses of the School aim to achieve general and technical knowledge for the realization of projects, interventions on the territory, environmental works, as well as to develop the study and research on the
visual artistic languages.
Graduates of the Decoration course must:
– possess adequate technical and operational training, methods and contents relating to the research sectors in the areas of the arts, techniques and technologies of the visual and plastic arts with reference to decoration;
– possess methodological and critical tools suitable for the acquisition of skills in expressive languages, techniques and the most advanced technologies;
– be able to effectively use at least one language of the European Union, beyond the mother tongue, in the field of competence and for the exchange of general information;
– possess adequate skills and tools for communication and information management, in particular with IT tools.
Employment prospects: The graduates of the course will carry out professional activities in different fields, both in the free artistic profession, both in the visual arts and in creative activities, as well as collaborating, in relation to the different fields of application, to the planning, planning and implementation of specific decoration interventions. , both in the field of instruments linked to tradition, and new technologies and new linguistic expressions that can be found in national and international events.
The Academy will organize, in agreement with public and private bodies, the most appropriate internships and apprenticeships to contribute to the achievement of specific professional skills and will further define specific training models for each course of study.

Study plan

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